Got to the hostel late Monday night and only had energy to venture out for dinner and a few evening photos of the Plaza Independecia near the hostel, which features a 17m, 30 ton (read: GINORMOUS) statue of the country's independence hero who is buried underneath and whose tomb is guarded 24/7 by armed police.
The city reminded me a lot of San Francisco, probably due to the urban feel (and the Urban Outfitters we saw three blocks from the hostel??) and the rain earlier that gave the streets that wet city smell. Not a bad smell, just familiar, and different than the nostalgia Portland's wet city street smell might conjure.
not pictured: Burger King and McDonald's, both right across the streetDinner was hilarious thanks to a heavily-Italian-influenced restaurant and waiter, and my new favorite way to order wine: the media litre. It's somewhere between two and three glasses which is just what I needed after that crazy weekend-plus of travel.
After that, sleep. Tuesday's plan was going to have to wait until Tuesday as far as I was concerned... I think Kim agreed.
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