Thursday, March 18, 2010

Manta, Ecuador, continued.

Tonight I stood on the board for approximately 3 seconds, for the third day in a row! Think good thoughts around 5:40pm EST on Friday evening and M-F of next week. If experience from this week holds, that seems to be when it all comes together and I can get up for 3 seconds. My knee bruises are healing slowly and my respect for surfers has never been greater.

I continue to face communication challenges with my host family but nothing unexpected or spectacular... Although the confusion that arose Tuesday when they thought I´d been mugged (when in actuality I just smashed my knees and elbows on the surfboard repeatedly, and by choice, for 2 hours) was screenplay-worthy. We have our wonderful moments though. This evening Tia (who I especially have trouble understanding but who is the sweetest woman) stopped in my room to ask me something and I nodded and smiled as usual and invited her to sit with me and watch a little TV, and she did. We nodded and smiled together at the meal the chef on the cooking show was making... And at dinner Sra helped me finish a sentence which had taken me approximately 5 minutes to get through, and we shared a laugh. So it´s awkward at times but it´s a great experience overall. Their patience and kindness is most appreciated.

I am learning a lot about Ecuador from my Spanish teacher. She and I share similar tastes in entertainment and have similar views on life and politics so we have had good conversations. Well, good ¨conversations¨ - I understand 95% of what she says but can´t say much in return. I carry my dictionary everywhere and try to study at night but it´s so hot and I´m so worn out by 9pm usually. Anway, very interesting stuff.

On Saturday another student and I are going to attempt to go to Machachilla National Park about 2 hours south of Manta, and maybe check out the famous Panama hat place on the way back on Sunday. It will be an adventure!

Hasta luego...

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