Thursday, April 1, 2010

Behold, the power of a zero day.

I had a big Wednesday planned... The rain had other ideas. I was a bit bummed because making Wednesday's plan work on Thursday instead would take some juggling, but see "attitude adjustment" post and in the end it was really good. I don't think I realized how tired I was, and another day trip may have done me in.

Good things to do on zero days:
- upload pictures (I am all caught up! a nice feeling, especially with the upcoming Galapagos trip and subsequent photo uploading marathon that will ensue... I am more worried about losing a memory stick and therefore all the pictures than keeping everyone updated, but it is also nice to be able to share photos while I can still remember where {and why} they were taken)
- check in on people, places and things (Corey Haim died? WTBH?!)
- plan a little, but not too much
- people-watch in the park between rain spells
- drink coffee
- read a trashy novel

Laundry at a real laundromat would have been good but I can do that at the next hostel. Or in two weeks. Whatevs. (Also, behold the power of a bar of Woolite and some hooks to hang your clothes to dry.)

Tomorrow it's back to gogogo again for three days, followed by 8 days in the islands and at least 2 days of gogogo to/in Cuenca. Probaby more. The week between Cuenca and Lima is already a blur and it's still a week and a half away.

Sigh. I need to figure out a happy medium. All things in time...

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